2025 Master Gardener Intern Training
Tuesdays, January 28th-April 22nd
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cumberland County UT-TSU Extension Office, 1398 Livingston Road, Crossville
Space is limited to 25 Interns
The Cumberland County Master Gardener program is a volunteer service organization offered by The University of Tennessee Extension. The purpose of the Master Gardener program is to train citizens as horticulture educators for their communities.
The title Master Gardener is conditional upon complying with the following:
• Successfully completing the Master Gardener training program,
• Performing and reporting 40 service hours within 12 months of training program completion,
• Attending 4 Master Gardeners of Cumberland County Association meetings per year,
• Sharing only University of Tennessee-approved recommendations (not home remedies but researched – based information)
• The Master Gardener name badge and title may not be used for commercial gain or to promote commercial products or businesses; and
• Certification is renewable annually, upon completion of volunteer and educational requirements.
To complete the training, you must attend 11 of the 13 classes/programs on the schedule below. Please ensure
you are available to do so before applying for the program.